Human First Leadership

Human First Leadership (HFL) is a philosophy born from the insights and wisdom garnered in Paul’s two decades as an HR executive. Drawing from his resume and his groundbreaking book, "Human Beings First," Paul has crafted a transformative methodology that places empathy, authenticity, and human connection at the core of leadership to produce unparalleled employee experience, and incomparable business results.

Investing in building a Human-First culture is more than training a set of skills; it's a decision to set a paradigm of relation from which all success grows. Whether you're an emerging leader or an experienced executive, HFL offers a shortcut to organizational success through the longer road of embedding humanity into every decision.

Workshops + Retreats

HFL workshops and retreats are experiential sessions designed to equip leaders, managers, and teams with the core commitments of Human First Leadership. Workshops are tailored to focus on the unique challenges and opportunities within your organization, whereas retreats cover all of the eight commitments. Participants receive first-hand stories of Paul’s work and philosophy, and through dialogical learning, identify their own challenges and specific steps for deepening their commitment to building a Human First Culture.

Consulting + Integration

For diving deeper than a workshop or retreat, Paul’s consulting and integration services ensure that the core commitments of HFL become an intrinsic part of your organizational culture. Leveraging insights from years of leading in the HR field, Paul offers tailored guidance to align your team dynamics with principles that prioritize empathy, authenticity, and human connection. Whether your focus is on enhancing collaboration, fostering innovation, or building resilience, this hands-on approach is adaptable to your unique needs and objectives.

Take the First Step Towards a Human-First Culture

Ready to transform your leadership approach and create a culture that thrives on empathy, authenticity, and human connection?
Book a call with Paul to discover how Human First Leadership can revolutionize your organization.

Human First Leadership Commitments


Encouraging leaders to consider various viewpoints and think critically about different perspectives.


Promoting openness and vulnerability in leadership, allowing leaders to connect on a more personal level.


Recognizing and valuing those who may be overlooked or marginalized, ensuring inclusivity.


Emphasizing active and empathetic listening, understanding what others are truly saying, and what needs to be addressed.


Demonstrating genuine care and compassion through tangible actions and support.


Using storytelling to build connections, share values, and inspire others.


Offering assistance and support where it's needed and appreciated, respecting boundaries.


Ensuring the safety, well-being, and fair treatment of those you lead, standing up for them when necessary.

Bring Human First Leadership into your organization.